Miscellaneous topics

Operating the LED

def test_led():

Waiting for a button press

Feedback-based control

Custom controllers

The set_speed() method of EncodedMotor uses a pretuned PID controller to maintain the speed through adjusting the the raw effort. However, through:


a custom controller can be specified. The method expects a Controller object. The Controller abstract class is defined with the following three methods:

update(error) -> float

This method is called at every tick, and returns an output value given an input error value. This would be where PID logic would take place, for example.

is_done() -> bool

This is a getter method that returns True if the controller has reached the target value, and False otherwise.


The intent of this method is to reset any internal state of the controller, i.e. integral sum. This is called on the speed controller when set_speed() is called on the encoded motor.

By subclassing the Controller class and implementing these three methods, a custom controller can be used to control the speed of each motor.

Inbuilt PID controller

The PID class is a library-provided subclass of the Controller class, and provides a full PID implementation. The PID constructor takes in the following parameters, each with default values:

kp = 1.0

Proportional gain constant

ki = 0.0

Integral gain constant

kd = 0.0

Derivative gain constant

minOutput = 0.0

Constrain output to this minimum value

maxOutput = 1.0

Constrain output to this maximum value

maxDerivative = None

Constrain derivative term to this maximum magnitude

tolerance = 0.1

Error tolerance for is_done()

toleranceCount = 1

Number of consecutive ticks within tolerance to return True for is_done()

The default set_speed() controller uses a PID controller with the default parameters. However, it may be useful to pass in a PID object to set_speed_controller() with customized parameters to fine-tune the controller.